1. Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it.
I have a tiny stab wound at the base of my left pinky. My sister stabbed me with a packing knife when I tried to save a few balloons she was letting loose on with said knife.
2. What is on the walls in your room?
Uh, speakers in two corners, a random charcoal drawing of a man and a horse, my class photo, the last picture I have with my dad...Cupboards, bookshelves, a mirror, a little dressing table below the mirror between bookshelves, you know.
3. What does your phone look like?
It's the butt-ugliest phone ever made by Nokia, the 6255. It's cdma and it looks like this.

4. What music do you listen to?
A lot of mixed bag, mostly alt rock, accoustics and unpluggeds, but I'll give almost anything at least one listen, if it doesn't mention bling, bitches, butts, and (b)hoes (aww).
5. What is your current desktop picture?
Something off Digital Blasphemy called Idyll.

6. What do you want more than anything right now?
The same thing I've wanted for months now. She knows, no one else needs to.
7. Do you believe in gay marriage?
Absolutely, I'm very tolerant, until they decide to hit on me(gay men that is). I'm no one to stop them from doing whatever homosexual ladies and gentlemen like to do amongst themselves, and I believe everyone has a right to have what they want.
8. What time were you born?
No clue. Sometime in the wee hours of the day/night.
9. Are your parents still together?
In heart yes, but well, dad's not with us anymore.
10. What are you listening to?
How to Save a Life by The Fray, and Nightswimming by REM's next.
11. Do you get scared of the dark?
Naa, plus I can't sleep unless I have pitch black. A bit of a problem regarding my mouse, as it has a bright little blue light in the scroll wheel, which I have to find a way to muffle. Paper does the trick most of the time.
12. The last person to make you cry?
Nits. Long story, must blog about it.
13. What is your favorite perfume/cologne?
Lanvin. I'm also fond of fcuk. I have a number of moods associated with my various colognes. Lanvin for when I'm satisfied, fcuk for when I'm missing a certain someone, Nina Ricci Club for when I've got a long day ahead and I'm feeling a bit off (it's a strong one), and Chrome by Azzaro for when I'm going out with a bunch. Also got your standard Polos, Perrys, and Davidoffs. Used fcuk a lot lately, and not much of the Lanvin.
14. What kind of hair/eye type (yes, I changed it) do you like on the opposite sex?
I like long straight hair and deep iridescent pools for eyes.
15. Do you like pain killers?
I don't really bother, the pain will go away. Unless they've been prescribed and I've had a stern "you better take em" from dear ol' Doctor Nagpal, I won't bother. I also won't drink Red Bull right after having one... closest I've been to being stoned in my life, and I've got the pictures of the ceiling of Hookah to prove it.
16. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Naw. If it's someone new, what am I losing out on, even if she does, she's not rejecting me, she doesn't even know me. If it's someone I've known for a while, I'll allow the relationship to happen, won't force it. Talk about it, yes, but no need to make it "official".
17. Favorite pizza topping?
Doesn't really matter. Pizza's nothing great here. Take me to some good pizza and I'll call out toppings.
18. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
I'd like some nice lobster right about now.
19. Who was the last person you made mad?
Other than my own self, there's someone I wish I could make un-mad with me. I'll do it yet I tell you, I'll do it yet.
20. Is anyone in love with you?
Not that I'm aware of. No point, I'll let them down.
That's pretty much all. If you want to, then by all means, consider yourself tagged. Pretty much everyone who's likely to do this tag already has.
tha was bitchin ma dawwwg
An interesting view of an interesting man. I'll neglect from stating the obvious.
I notice you mentioned your dad, the way you mentioned him seems to indicate he had something to do with you being the man you are now. I'm glad to say he was a great man, if you're the son he had. I'm sure even the stabbing sister has something good going for her.
You're right, everyone has the right to have what they want.
Come now, I'm sure you'll have a reason to use that lanvin again soon, and I'm sure you'll find another mood for fcuk too!
Iridescent pools for eyes you say, how poetic.
So you don't do drugs, and the red bull indicates you don't drink either. Brilliant.
If you want good pizza, try out the pizza at Sartoria. It's excellent, even better than La Piazza
I know Tabula Rasa has some great lobster, you ought to try it.
Come now, the Lady Neets said there were many women swooning over you, you must be aware of them.
and where's the fun in a tag if you won't tag anyone back.
Aww darling...
I'm so sad. Did I break your heart? No longer want me? ;)
Wonderful insight into your personality... I'm loving this meme.
yay!! u did the tag too! yay!! i'v never been able to arm-twist so many people into doing a tag! yay! hehe.. (allow me my moments of delusion wont you? :P)
Sweetie i knew most of dose :-)
why arent u answering ur fone, ive called 4 times. im sorry i got upset, love u :-(
You comment a bit, write a post, hint that you've got a big one coming up, get our hopes up, and then you go silent again. Quite the let down I must say. Give us more to read my friend.
Nuh-uh, nothing she-dogging or interesting... just wanted to throw something up here that didn't involve what I'm trying to avoid writing about...
I will update soon...
You're doing this on purpose now. Come on, out with it. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to know.
I seem to be catching up on blogs i should have read long back. First mt, then here!
Really novel reason to call me excitable aakash. :) That factorial thing was totally amusing. Being an engineer, i naturally appreciate these arbit techno-rationale, even though theu require no engineering :)
And i empathise with the reason behind taking a tag, when there is something to write that one cant, anything is escape.
Heey man, nice! Im actually proud, usually I dislike tags, somehow I got bullied into this one and passed it on to you.. truly well done, nice to know you a wee bit better...
Still waiting. I'm sure I'm not alone in checking everyday. Of course some people just write scripts that show when a page was last updated, but that's checking nevertheless.
Having you linked helps to check quicker for certain.
email me.
eileenandben at gmail dot com
hey buddy! sry i hvnt bin commnting latly, bt da few posts since hv bin gr8, n dis ones a gr8 post! rly gives some gr8 insite in2 da guy behind the words. i feel i no u better. rly tho, its bin more dan a month since u rote, n speakin 4 myself, n 4 all ur other readers, i rly want to no what u been up2.
cum on, dont keep us waiting nemore, make us laugh wid u, as u lift our spirits, make us cry 4 u agn, show us the power uve got over us all wid ur words. dont abandon us to da offce grind widout ur gr8 blog to giv us da perspctive dat we need from u.
Oh we're all waiting around. Real shame.
Hey renovatio my boy,
where have you been? we all miss your postings, it feels like one of the family is missing.
hope to see something from you soon.
point 16 took me to a conversation i had with a friend today.
she: did you sleep with him?
me: yes
she" so what are you guys dating by the way?
me: yes
she: so then that's what's going on right?
me: no. not really. i don't actually know what's going on.
she: vaah issey kehte hain adhunik naari. you can sleep with a man and still not know where you stand with him.
me: that's the way it works anyway but if you're asking me whether we're some 'official' couple type couple thing, then the answer is i dunno. we're together. call us what you want.
i'd have given the same answer to 16. with people you've known a while it just takes longer to figure out. though i doubt i'd ever ask out anyone i've just met.
You misunderstand, that's not 'official' as I mean it at all. I only mean 'officially' asking out someone and being hailed as a couple. As far as I know, well believe, coupledom just happens. It's a sense of being. At a certain point, it's just there. I would personally never sleep with someone I hadn't reached that 'coupledom' point with. I suppose that's a shock coming from a man in this day and age, but that's the man I am.
idyll is a great choice. satori is good, too.
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