Friday, April 11

The Grass is Always Greener

Right, so work's been insane. I haven't updated recently, my bad. This isn't really a proper post, but someone sent me this by email and I thought it was worth sharing.

It's important in life to reach out, to strive for greater achievements, to go for that greener grass that is on the other side of the fence.....

But one must also be careful……

Sometimes you can reach too far!

But when you find yourself overextended and you’re stuck in a situation that you can’t get out of, there is one thing that you should always remember.....

Not everyone who shows up is there to help you.

Take care folks.


Gunjan Aylawadi said...

the pictures made it!!;)

??! said...

heh - talk about sticking your neck out.

...and did everybody not universally absolve you from the non-blogging part? You have much work. Go do it. And then PUT IT UP on the blog.

lemon said...

lol..the poor thing!

Occasional Brilliance said...

lolz... yes yes... a lesson to remember!!! :P

Spider42 said...

classic example of 'its never so bad that it cant get worse.'
good one!

Espèra said...


But... yeehaw, you blogged!
After, may I add, that you said "maybe not".

Although, we understand about you being super busy. So ...

Mystique said...

but yeah, you're always online anyway, a note here to let us know you're alive......always helps..

Sam said...

lol.... awesome.... part of teh mgt chain mail, i suppose!!!
always manages to make me smile!! :)

Anonymous said...



Anu said...

Okay , funny stuff.
So i just saw your last post and i have to admit, i was scared to read it.
Key word: *scared*
Miss this buisness man, really!

Mechanical said...

That was hilarious!
Sometimes I want to comment on your blog just because I want to identify as an "UPSTANDING INDIVIDUAL". Nice trap you have going there :P

kyamaloom said...


Anonymous said...

Tagged, if you please :)

Chandni said...

gaaah ha ha..

Still Searching said...

lol!! that was a good twist!! hahaha.. gives getting screwed a whole new meaning!

five_silver_rings said...

ahem ahem ahem!!

Hilarious in a VERY disconcerting way... well, it hit the point home at least ;)

Spider42 said...

hey whered you go?
(hmm.. talk about your role reversal!)

Reeta Skeeter said...

heee haww

La Figlia Che Piange said...

I read this, went away, forgot your blog existed, came back and you STILL haven't updated.

Spider42 said...

kaha ho bhai?...

Pri said...

don't die on us fool.

jairaj said...

dude i think there are only that many forwards in this world!

CrazyDiamond said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Ren.

. said...

holy(cow,fuck). I have wicked math skills.

IncorrigibleV said...

Mann aka Bubbles' new post
she asked me to drop the link to everyone on her blogroll

Spider42 said...

anybody home? anybody?
now im scared!

imperfect said...

I agree!

Matangi Mawley said...

hey.. tht was a good 1! :)

Ekta said...

the pic said it all...
heheh...yeah most people who come ard in these time..end up screwing u even more!
damn the pic was brilliant!

ANC said...

I went off the blogosphere. I took a break. I came back in an all new avatar. And you STILL havent posted anything new?


lavender tulips【ツ】 said...


Vartika said...
